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Affordable Local SEO Services for Your Small Business

Almost 50% of all Google searches are local. Meanwhile, over 93% of activity online begins with a search engine like Google. About 93% of mobile users are likely to click on the first set of results during a “near me” search, too.

Search engine optimization (SEO) can ensure your business ranks higher on search engines like Google. Local SEO will boost your ranking for nearby customers. Then, you can attract more website traffic, foot traffic, leads, and sales!

Affordable local SEO services can give your business the boost it needs.

Without a local SEO strategy, however, you could miss the chance to reach these customers. Your website won’t appear at the top of a Google search, impacting your visibility.

Still on the fence? Keep reading to discover the top benefits of local SEO, along with the services you need. With the best local SEO services, you can reach more customers and grow your business.

Get started by discovering the reasons you need local SEO services today!

The Benefits of Local SEO

About 80% of the people who search using their phones visit a business within 24 hours. Almost 30% of those searches result in a purchase. With affordable local SEO services, you can reach these customers and bring them to your store!

Here are the eight benefits of local SEO services you can experience by working with a professional SEO agency.

1.) Generate Brand Awareness

Where does your website currently rank on Google? If you’re not on the first page, there’s a chance people aren’t finding your website. If customers can’t find you online, they might not realize your business exists.

Local SEO services will help you rank higher on Google search engine results pages (SERPs). A higher ranking will position your brand in front of more customers.

You can develop a strategy to ensure your website appears for a range of keywords. Each time someone searches for your product or service, your site will appear. Consumers will start to associate you with that product or service.

In time, people will think of your brand the next time they need to go shopping. Instead of Googling for different options, they’ll think of your business first.

It’s not enough to appear on a search page, though. You need to rank ahead of your competitors. Otherwise, consumers might not see your website.

Most people don’t look beyond the first page of search results. In fact, only 0.78% of Google searchers check the second page.

In order to improve your ranking, you need affordable local SEO services. An experienced SEO agency will help you rank higher for a mix of keywords. Targeting the right keywords will help you appear in front of potential customers more often.

Then, you can generate more brand awareness and remain top-of-mind with your target audience. 

2.) Attract High-Quality Leads

Local SEO services rely on keyword and audience research. Otherwise, you’ll fail to develop a strategy with your customers in mind.

What keywords are your customers using in a search? Targeting the correct keywords will help you appear for relevant searches. When someone wants your product or service, your website will appear.

One of the benefits of local SEO services is the timing. You won’t have to convince consumers to buy your product or service. Instead, they’ll already have that interest.

You can then leverage their interest by ensuring your website appears in front of customers while they’re in the mood to shop. Then, you can attract those customers to your website. Customers will see you’re a knowledgeable, credible resource based on your content.

Then, they’ll contact you for more information. They might decide to try your product themselves and place an online order. Either way, you’ve generated a high-quality lead!

With outbound strategies, however, your targeting is less focused. You could attract a number of customers who have limited interest in your product. You could waste time trying to nurture those leads as a result.

With local SEO services, you can develop a more focused SEO strategy. You can create content for the keywords you know your customers are looking for. You can even write your content with those customers in mind.

Then, you can increase your chances of converting website visitors into leads. Since they’re high-quality leads, you have a higher chance of making a sale! Your ROI can improve as a result. 

3.) Boost Your Credibility

Consumers might struggle to trust your business if they know nothing about you. How do you stand apart from your competitors? What makes you a credible resource in the industry?

A local SEO strategy can help you establish your credibility.

You can show local customers your unique experience and expertise through your content. For example, you can leverage years of experience to give consumers advice. Customers will see they can depend on you in the future.

The best local SEO services should include a review-building strategy. Gathering reviews from happy customers will build your credibility. It can help boost your local SEO ranking, too.

About 84% of people trust online reviews as much as they trust their friends. Meanwhile, about 91% of consumers already rely on online reviews.

Posting reviews on your Google My Business (GMB) listing will help on-the-fence customers trust you. They’ll visit your website to learn more about your product or service. As you attract more website traffic, your SEO ranking will improve.

Your ranking will also rise with metrics like your dwell time and clickthrough rate.

Dwell time indicates how long people stay on a page. The clickthrough rate indicates people are clicking around and exploring your content. High-quality content can help you boost both.

As these metrics improve, your ranking will too. A higher ranking will position you ahead of competitors.

Customers will see you as a credible resource in your industry as a result.

4.) Become an Industry Authority

Your local SEO content strategy can position you as an authority in the industry, too.

Consumers want to trust their business with the best in the business. If you’re ranking at the bottom of a SERP page, consumers will trust your competitors instead. Improving your ranking will help you stand out from the pack.

You can establish your authority, become a thought leader in your industry, and build brand trust.

5.) Reach the 3-Pack

The local 3-pack features three local businesses on a Google map. The map takes up prominent space in a Google search. Appearing in the local 3-pack can help you stand out from competitors.

Consumers can then click on your listing to find directions to your business. You can generate more brand awareness and foot traffic as a result.

6.) Attract More Foot Traffic

Remember, people who search for local businesses often visit the business within 24 hours. With local SEO services, you can generate more traffic to your store. 

Local SEO makes it easier for you to reach on-the-go customers. You can provide them with the information they need to learn more about your business. Then, you can attract those customers to your store to boost sales.

7.) Retain Long-Time Customers

Generating brand trust can help you build a following of loyal, long-time customers. Brand loyalty can help you improve customer retention. Retaining customers can boost your ROI.

8.) Gain Customer Insights

What problems are your customers facing? Do they have any issues with your current business model? How can you make improvements that will make their lives easier?

Gathering customer reviews can also help you gather customer insights. You can learn more about how customers perceive your business. Then, you can make informed changes to show customers you care about their needs.

Making these changes will improve your customer service. Your customers will thank you for it and stick around.

9 Local SEO Components You Need to Grow Your Business

Look for an experienced SEO agency that offers affordable local SEO services. Then, make sure they develop a customized strategy with your brand in mind. 

They can provide you with the on- and off-site SEO you need to improve your ranking. 

Here are the best local SEO services you can use to boost your business!

1.) Gather Your Research

An experienced local SEO expert will know the importance of gathering information before they start strategizing. Otherwise, your content might not appeal to your local audience.

Look for a local SEO agency that gathers customer and keyword research.

Who are your customers? What problems can you help them solve? What content are they looking for online?

You’ll need to appeal to the customer’s search intent to boost your ranking.

What keywords do they use in a search? Gathering keyword research will ensure you cover the right topics within your content. 

2.) Update Your GMB Listing

Your GMB listing can provide consumers with your:

  • Business name
  • Hours
  • Location/directions
  • Phone number
  • Customer reviews
  • Website

It’s important to keep your GMB listing up-to-date. Otherwise, consumers might not find your business. Updating your listing will help improve your search ranking.

You can keep updating your listing with photos, posts, and customer reviews to keep the content fresh.

3.) Update Other Local Listings

Does your website appear on any other local listings? Make sure the information matches across every platform. Otherwise, you could confuse customers.

4.) Make Sure You’re Mobile

Remember, on-the-go customers will check their phones to search for your product or service. If your website isn’t mobile-optimized, people might struggle to use your website. They’ll leave without clicking around, resulting in a higher bounce rate.

A higher bounce rate can hurt your local SEO ranking.

Instead, make sure your site is mobile-optimized. Google uses mobile-first indexing to determine rankings. 

You might want to consider user experience (UX) design trends, too. UX design ensures your site is easy to use. Visitors will explore your website and click around, improving your ranking. 

5.) Ask For Reviews

About 95% of customers read reviews before making a purchase. Another 93% use reviews to determine a local business’s quality. 

When a product generates five reviews, the likelihood of purchases increases by 270%. When higher-priced items have reviews, the conversion rate increases by 380%.

Ask your happy customers to post their reviews on your GMB listing. Your SEO agency will help you develop a strategy to gather more reviews. Then, your ranking will improve, helping you reach more customers.

6.) Post Unique, Localized Content

Look for an SEO agency that focuses on content creation. Creating localized content will help you appear for more searches. At the same time, you’ll show customers you have the information and know-how they need.

Ask the SEO agency if they can help you with EAT (expertise, authority, trustworthiness). Establishing your EAT will improve your ranking and online credibility. 

Make sure they help you add location pages to your website as well. Create different forms of content, including polls, quizzes, videos, and infographics. Experimenting with different forms of content will help you determine what your readers prefer most. 

7.) Stay Social

Your social media presence can benefit your SEO ranking, too. Posting your content on social media will help you generate more traffic. Remember, generating traffic will help your ranking improve. 

As people start commenting on your content, don’t forget to comment back. Engagement can benefit your SEO strategy as well.

8.) Improve Your Link-Building

Link-building is an important component of any SEO strategy. Without links from high-authority websites, your own credibility won’t improve. 

Work with an SEO expert that has a link-building strategy. They can help you gather links from relevant resources in your industry. Your search ranking should improve as a result. 

9.) Use a Structured Data Markup

Google sends its bots to crawl and index websites before determining rankings.

Ask the SEO agency if they can provide a structured data markup. Structuring your data will make it easier for Google’s bots to understand your site. You can then appear for featured snippets, which display above organic search rankings.

Appearing for featured snippets will help you reach the top of a search page. You’ll rank ahead of the competition and provide customers with the information they need. 

Why Does GMB Pirate Provide Affordable Local SEO Services?

Excellent question!

We don’t believe that any small business should be “priced out” of such a valuable and measurable marketing tool. We also love working with creative and inspiring small business owners, so if our affordable pricing helps facilitate that, our pricing will never change!

Affordable Local SEO Services: Rank Higher on Google

Ready to give your business the boost it needs? Consider purchasing affordable local SEO services. With local SEO, you can reach more customers and step up sales.

Get ahead of the curve with the best local SEO services today!

Eager to get started? We’re happy to help.

Contact us to reach more customers with our affordable local SEO services.